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***** / /"/ ////__ *****
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---- XPoX - V1.0 ----
Comments to - info-is@in-file
Special thanks to:
Me for creating it
Me for thinking of it
Me for erm.... well.. everything
oh yes and YOU!
Why are you even reading this?
Go do something useful...
...like go fishing....
...or even breed maggots....
...i dunno....
....pies are nice....
.... no realy go do something useful ....
..... there must be something ......
.... like wait for my next skin.
-============== CitySkin 1.x ==============-
Winamp Classic skin for Winamp v5.x
Skinned using Winamp v2.9 Files.
Skinned using just Photoshop. Sure it's nothing special, but it's fu ...
Under the skin -Pure Windows' bones under the skin (ver. 1.0, 8-4-99 GMT+9)
by WillSubmitANiceSkin (info-is@in-file)
Yes. O.K. It is just a plain Microsoft Windows'. But I bet it's the best one of these Microsoft Windows interface series. Thank you ...