****Spawn v 1.0****
Hey my adoring fans xotrex is b...ack
and i have brought to you a creation
If you heard about The Cyrac, i must tell
you that the Cyrac has been spawned into
The ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Thanx for downloading this version of Reactor console for winamp2+
the EQmain and playlist area has been re-designed to give it more depth,
there have been some changes in some of the buttons
and there is now a minibrowser and AVS with this package.
created by Rommel Vincent C. Angeles
for Vivian P.
finished December 23, 2001 12:43am
The nephilim are supposed offspring of mortals
and angels.
I made this skin for someone who, if not angelic,
is certainly not of ...
VL!3N professional
This skin was made by moocker
Any sugestions, or something else- mail me at info-is@in-file
PS: You can always find latest versions of my skins on my website ( http://rep ...
S U M E A . A M P v3.1
All items are skinned and everything animates.
Improved balance and filled in all working frames.
Matched colors and added pl eq and more.
Many bugs, and buttons fixed, but no cursors --
because I don't use them.
At last, ...
Ali G Big Up Amp for use with Winamp
BIGUP amp version 1.53
AVS added
MB bug found and sorted out.
(no one told me and I never use the stupid thing. Grr)
Version 1.52 06/06/00
Info button added removed adjusted and finally added again.
Ali G ...
Author: Niklas Kalliotie
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Readme content
3.Useless information
I haven't got much to say about this skin except that I think it's pretty nice...
This is my fourth skin.