Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Incluye un AVS:
Renombrar AbismoAmp.wsz a AbismoAmo.zip
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Celebrity Skins
"Christina Aguilera"
Released on October 9th 2000
Bandung Indonesia
Skinmaster : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in-file
Celebrity Skins
"Christina Aguilera"
released on October 9th 2000
bandung indonesia
%%% Absolute 3D__///wireframed version !!!
!!! This skin is a fully 3D skin:):)
4 my girlfriend: Roxy:):):):) I love U Baby:):):)
U wanna see artistic grafix?
Check this site: http://ekho.tx.hu my virtual gallery
and ...
Metalamp v 2.00
My name is jone this is one of my well done skins
and I am were happy with it.
This skin were made the 19 august 1999 17:07
The skin got a original name but I couldnt find
any bett ...
June The 28 Of 2004
··::(¯`·._/¯`·.>Soul Amp¤·.¸_¸.·´¯)
For Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
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