K-Aus 038 Amp Build 2 (9/24/05)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
Second version of K-Aus 037
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, about 90% of this skin I figured out on my own, no asking for help, no tutorials, no skinning tools, just PaintShop and looking how others did stuff(No, I did not use anyone else's skin to make this either, the others were just for reference)
The last 10% was me asking "wtf?" on the Winamp forums
I also left out support of AVS/Minibrowser support. Kinda figure not many people left using Winamp2(Tho I will include them if asked nicely)
Also contains custom cursors
Questions/Comments/Hate Mail? info-is@in-file
I'll put this simply, DO NOT STEAL THIS!
Don't care where you upload this, as long as proper credit is given
Thanks to DarkNinja for a few ideas ;)
Thanks to Stillwater for a few tips and some help with bugs
I tried to keep this completely original, so if anything in it is similar or same to something in another skin, let me know. I don't want to be accused of plagarizm since I didn't rip anyone's work
Permission to port the Prion LiteStep theme to WinAmp2 was given by Rich Kulesus (mrbiotech) on 5-24-04.
The original Prion LiteStep theme, along with many other beautiful and creative LiteStep themes, can be downloaded from mrbiotech's DeviantArt gall ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
ReadMe!.txt Altitude X-Plorer v1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
Hello there, and thank you for downloading my skin.
Ok, to start off with; I have said to the guys at lotsofskins.com
that the next skin that I wo ...
--------------------------- NFL.com ---------------------------
This skin is copyrighted by SEAHAWK
ICQ # 34372446
Please send feedback !! ...
Choosing Dawn
(Fellowship of the Ring) Legolas
by Elwen Skye
- font is Stonehenge
- balance is hidden, as usual
- EQ/PL toggles are hidden until selected
So, while tryi ...
August 24, 1999
Okay, I have made 8 Rasen no Kakera skins now. Yeesh, I can't get enough
of the artwork from this series! I should probably take a break from Rasen
Skins, or everyone will get sick of seeing them ^_^ Anyway, I liked the color
sche ...