C64 WinAMP Skin
Author: DeathKore AntiKrizt
e-Mail: info-is@in-file
Website: http://www.sweet.hell.as
I started 28th March 2001 and completed the skin 1st April 2001
Last Updated : 7th April 2001
+-+-+- Super Mario Bros. -+-+-+
Autor: Anel Sánchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Site: anelgtr2003.fwd.com.ar
Terminado: 12 de octubre de 2003
Me he inclinado por los skins de juegos.
Para hacerl ...
NaWaK skin for WINAMP 2.x
just unzip in your /winamp/skin directory then select NaWaK in the window 'select skin'.
Thanks for using this skin (my first one).
if you have any comments or suggestions, contact me : info-is@i ...
wersja 1.0 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Małanka Krzysztof *
"Winamp XP"
Historia Wersji:
Winamp XP to całkowicie nowa skórka. Użytkownicy W ...
MooAMP - skin for Winamp 2.0+
Version 2.5
What is MooAMP?
MooAMP is a skin set for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completly changes the orginal
style to a well made and useful cow style.
Instal ...