Hi there!
This skin is made by Pepijn Koster.
Its based on version 8 of my website.
You may not modify the graphics of this skin for other then personal use.
Greetings and Groeten,
Pepijn Koster - www.X21B. ...
This skin was made to all who want's it.
I want to improve my skins so please send me a comment about it.
I'll be making 3 versions of everyone of my skins :
Version 1.X
Only the main window is skinned
Version 2.X
Whew! I can't believe that finally I have completed this skin. It took me 5 and a half months to complete this. Enjoy this skin.
Pay for this skin:
You don't need to but, if you are impressed by this skin pay for this skin. This skin belongs to the ...
(c) 2005 Joe W. Garrett (garetjax)
This is my skin and trying to get it to blend from a construction type theme.
Overall its a very nice design.
AVS Browser
27® Blue - A skin by Midhun Subhash
This is the blue tinted version of the 27 series. Built to remain simple, elegant and functional.Feel free to mail me your suggestions at: info-is@in-file. ...
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both