var browser_type=navigator.appName
var browser_version=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
//if NS 4+
if (browser_type=="Netscape"&&browser_version>=4)
//if IE 4+
else if (browser_type=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&browser_version>=4)
//Default goto page (NOT NS 4+ and NOT IE 4+)
Jeri Ryan - Heartbreaker
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
Yeah yeah yeah I know, yet another Jeri skin :)
Can't resist doing them 'ya know :)
Anyhow, check out the rest of the Jeri collection
at my little site listed above.
Shouts and screams go out to all the regulars over
at the Skin love forums at
Come join us and share your skin love.
Big shouts go to Duk, freelance graphics artist
somewhere in the big old U S of A, I owe you my
heart man, or is that you loaned me yours :)
Thanks for download!!
This is my first Harry Potter skin.
Harry Potter is my favorite book.
I think its story is very fun and
the movie is very great because the
actor who plays Harry is very cute^^
(Although Malfoy is cute than Harry)
I hope ...
Thank you for Downloading LuXoR Amp 3.0!
This is actually a vastly refurbished version of
my previous egyptian skin that quite frankly, was
butt-ugly now that I look back at it ;-)
+ Authentic Egyptian Designs- All hieroglyphs
are int ...
CoOl BuNnY. AMPŠ v1.0 Created by Gerstrup J.
Creator : Joachim Gerstrup Olson
Skinname : CoOl BuNnY.
Version : 1.0
Updated : 16.10.2000
E-mail : info-is@in-file
I Found A Bunny On a ...
Kindred's Revived Thief Skin
This is an updated version my originam Thief skin.
It is built from the game's menu screens and is rather dark.
Thank you downloading it and supporting my sinister plan for world Winamp Skin Domination :->
Aureus Winamp Skin v1.0
20 June, 2000
Regener8ed @
My second skin. I wanted to create a completely unique and integrated skin that best suits my own personal tastes. (Something I'd use on a daily basis that's not obtrusive on the scr ...