by MsbS
This is my 4th skin, not very
sophisticated, but I quite like it.
Everything is skinned (well, unless
there's a new Winamp-feature with
undocumented windows or something).
Now it's probably time to learn
the transparency ...
What's new in version 1.0?
- This is the first version of "MS Office Xp Flat Style" skin.
(Finished on 04/18/2003)
- Full Compatible with all Winamp 2.x versions (including 2.91!)
- Full Winamp skin, with Main Window skin, ...
-==cOf! presents==-
=== ========
Splash v1.0c
Esta es una "skin" para winamp 2.50+
Tendras que pagar U$ 35...nooo al contrario yo le pago al que la use...
Basada en la pantalla de inicio de Winamp (q' noticia!).
+-+-+- Super Mario Bros. -+-+-+
Autor: Anel Sбnchez V.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Site: anelgtr2003.fwd.com.ar
Terminado: 12 de octubre de 2003
Me he inclinado por los skins de juegos.
Para hacerl ...
При подготовке скина использован дизайн и материалы сайта www.mielofon.ru
По умолчанию выбраны курсоры скина "Audiere" Бена Митчелла (info-is@in-file)
В папке "adds" хранится второй вариант курсоров и файл скина медиа-би ...
Hitman v 1.3 - by Mumin
v 1.3
- added library window
v 1.2
- added video window
v 1.1
- added mini browser window
v 1.0
- main
- eq
- playlist
mail at: