Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
To tyle z angielskiego ( i tak wiecej niz Wajda na rozdaniu
Oscarow :-)
A po naszemu, znaczy sie po ludzku dodam tyle, ze calosc
powstala w czasie 8h roboty w czysciutkim, nieopluginowanym
Photoshopie. :-)
Aha, i jeszcze cos po ichniemu, zeby nie mysleli, ze
ze mnie niewdzieczne bydle :-)
This skin was made with:
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Template_Skin ;-) (veeeery useful tool :-)
Skinner (blah. for the *.txt file with minivisualizer colors:-)
Star Trek Panels
This is my first skin for v2.x WinAmp. Feel free to modify the skin if you wish. If you decide to distribute it please reference my work and send me a copy to info-is@in-file.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
Author: Niklas Kalliotie
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Readme content
3.Useless information
I started doing this skin long ago. I forgot it completely for few months. It's ready now and I can concentrate on new skins.
"VButtons98" skin
AVS presets pack
by I)estym
>>- place the presets to your
winamppluginsavs folder and enjoy!
give rest to your eyes!
If you want to use this preset or parts of it
in your own presets you may do it, just ...
Children Of Bodom [SINGLES] Series 1: Children Of Bodom
by Mario Portuguez
¿Ya completaste la Serie de Children Of Bodom?
Si la respuesta es no entonces ve a
y bus ...
Just another metal/LCD skin.
created by: foomonkey
created with: Paint Shop Pro 7
special thanks to: all the nice people at Skin Love
have a nice day ...