Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 7/20/2000
CONTACT: info-is@in-file
SLOGAN: " 'Then I Let the Alpine Play' " [lyrics from Dynamite
Hack's song - "Boyz In The Hood"]
Hey Fella's,
This is a continuation, if you want to call that, of my
previous Alpine skin line. Actually its gonna be the last Alpine skin
I do so I hope you're not too disapointed with it. Yep, no updates,
so I give you my permission to update it yourself. HAHA! Anyways,
this skin was never suppose to happen but lookin' back at the previous
skin, I do agree that those buttons didn't fit. One little change of
the buttons and on come the rest of the goodies. A skin's gotta match.
And from there it all leads to this new one. Hmmmmmmm... I'm not gonna
list the differences w/ the old one, just trust me that even the Alpine
sign itself has changed. I do sincerely hope that whatever changes you
decide to make that you can atleast give me some feedback so I too can
see how it looks :) Again, cheers to the ALPINE WEBSITE >>> www.alpine1.com
This Winamp skin was created by Gene Moore.
This is a skin of the ZDTV show Call For Help, and
it's host, Leo Laporte. It uses a lot of graphics
that were taken from the zdtv.com website, and were
used without permission, although I really don't
th ...
M O N S O O N - kensen john
A rainy day. Nowhere to go. Nothing to do.
The sound of the rain smashing on my window.
Lightning and thunder makes ...
My first skin, hope you enjoy it. Please don't be too overly critical because I really didn't know what I was doing, and this was the first time I ever created a skin for anything.
I just hope somebody enjoys it and I didn't waste my time
Feel free to ...
Amburners Phoenix 2: Garet Jax
Updated for Aesthetics
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
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GAME & WATCH Winamp Skin
All right, I owe these guys more credit:
.HCC. ~Software~ made an extremely good simulator of FIRE, and the majority of the graphics in the skin are from a screenshot of that simulator. If you downloaded this skin, you must be a ...
Lacrimosa v.2
Greetings to all Lacrimosa fans!
I congratulate you all with the new album "Echos" and give you my second Lacrimosa skin. The next one will ...