This is my second Winamp skin, the first being... er... BulowAmp. Bet you never guessed that!
Editor(s) used: -
Paint Shop Pro 7.02
Notepad (for this text file) ;-)
Hope you enjoy my work :-)
Send any comments to: info-is@in-file
My Dr Dre website...: www.d-r-e.org
You know those assignments you
used to get in Elementary
school with the purple ink?
It’s kinda like that.
First skin, made with MS Paint.
December 2005
Bandit ...
My first ever WinAmp skin!!!
[Blu Amp (couldnt think of a better name! Its blue.)]
Andrew "sack it!" Taylor
Ok, I'd put my email address here but I just know some git would email
me a virus or something! Instead I'll say that ...
Ladybird on Blue Jeans
updated for Winamp 2.91
Jaroslav Karban
Included skin jk_ladybird.bmp
for DSP plugin Enhancer 0.17
(my tip for you, it is free
and very good for slow PC)
--------- ...
- EVA-01 Skin v1.1-
This is my first (updated) skin!!
Thank you for downloading this EVA-01 skin for WinAmp.
If the skin doesn't work properly, download the latest version of
WinAmp at www.winamp.com. This skin is ...
Koskenkorva skin.
Tehnyt Riku Rikkola.
By Riku Rikkola.
Information: suomi, svenska, english
Koskenkorva on perinteinen suomainen, puhdas viljasta valmistettu viina.
Koskenkorva är det traditionella finska, rena Brännvnet framställt av spennmå ...
Bluminium 2.0
Blue Aluminum for the new millennium!
...with piston pushing 'Balance' and 'EQ' slide controls and animated cursors!
It all started with one simple line with a reflection on it ...
I kept it kleen and streamlined...any additional ...