QuickTime X skin for WINAMP 2.x
Thanks for using this skin. I hope you'll find it useful.
This skin is based on QuickTime for the MacOs X. Enjoy !
if you have any comments or suggestions, contact me : info-is@in-f ...
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
This is Xqwizit. Why do you call it xqwizit
you might ask...well...because it is. :D ;)
It has all components skinned: main, pledit,
eq, avs, and even the MikroAmp plugin YaY ...
~~~~ the begining of the end 1.0 ~~~~
this is the begining, the begining of the end...
This skin uses one of my favorite wallpapers as
the background - thefourthday. I used a skining tool
in the initial stages of design, to get the background
jus ...
Meddling Kids
version 1.51
By flatmatt
This Winamp skin is Scrappy-free for your protection.
Visit http://www.flatmatt.com for the rest of my cool Winamp stuff!
To make comments, suggestions, or just to say that I suc ...
****playdreamcast.com Winamp Skin v1.4****
Designed by Giles Cotterill
Release Date: 15/Aug/00
This skin is dedicated to playdreamcast.com which is owned by Chris Butterworth, we are good friends and as he couldn't produce a skin he asked ...
/ ___________________________
.. created by Steve Garner
.. info-is@in-file
"Interplanetary Communication" is a skin desi ...