::::HOWIE DAY::::
This skin features Howie Day, a talented rising musician. Check out his new
cd "Australia" and his website www.howieday.com. This skin is dedicated to
Howie and all the fans.
This skin was made in paintshop pro without the use of ...
This skin is based on an image of Vincent, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
//TheSlof ...
This skin was made with Photoshop and Jellby's Skinner's Atlas, for Winamp 5.2.
Marta Martins aka Encore
Email me --> info-is@in-file
Or visit my page @ DeviantART --> http://encore.deviantart.com
:) ...
* b y $ t e v e n *
Skin was created for mp3now.com
If you have downloaded this skin
and looked at this readme, go to
GO NOW!!!!!!
hehe.... oh yeah, go there!