Skin by XPC Design Studio
XPC Design Studio занимается
разработкой и размещением
сайтов, регистрацией доменых
имен, изготовлением flash
анимацией и банеров,
програмированием на всех
Все о Хаке, Хакерах и не только
L_E_D ver1.2
Added mikroamp.
L_E_D ver1.1
Added Cursors, Fixed wrong spelling.
L_E_D ver1.0
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpose without permission.
D ...
"Orblivious" version 1.0
4 Sepember 2002
Created by Dimichan
For ORB skin contest sponsored by db
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Please no distribution or modification without express permission of the author, it makes it darn ...
- XG Player v1.3 - 4/22/2000
(Yamaha / S-YXG100plus [Soft Synthesizer])
My second skin, version with Equalizer, Playlist, Minibrowser, AVS and Albumlist.
Renewal all windowshades.
Hope you like it Enjoy!! :)
http://ronz. ...
produced by adk'03/asc berlin (f.r.g.)
email: info-is@in-file
not a commercial product
last update: 04-jan-2004
- fixed problem with winamp5
- modified gfx design ...
AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMP
Created by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-file
version 2.0 11/08/2000
I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'cause a stupid guy published on MY skin with HIS name (James Hastings, y ...