"Embryo" - Skin for WinAmp 2.9
This skin was inspired by the general idea of conception and how I?ve always related it to the mixing of past experiences with creative thinking, to develop new ideas and find solutions?the core of my creative process.
skin for Winamp 2.x
December 2002
Copyrghts Coy2K a.k.a Coyote
MB and AVS NOT skinned.
If you want them to be just let me know
You can contact me via e-mail
Visit my page at coyote.deviantart.com
D ...
BLAZE by sdkaneda
version 1.0: 24 November, 2002
hope you like it!
sdkaneda - info-is@in-file
Animefringe Online Magazine
http://www.animefringe.com/ ...
T-RackS v1.1 by Barta
Based on T-RackS GUI. T-RackS is a nice mastering
software, download it at: www.t-r ...
; This region info generated by Maxim's region.txt maker.
; http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net
; Note to skin authors: You can remove these comments so long as you leave one copy of the two lines above.
PointList=0,0 2 ...