______ hpcalc_hp49g v2.1 _________________________________
HP49G skin for Winamp by Arne Olav Storflor
Hewlett-Packard calculator HP49G
mailto: info-is@in-file
Winamp skin inspired by Hewlett-Packard calculator HP49G.
To design this Winamp skin I started with scanned images of my own handheld calculator and a big image from Hewlett-Packard.
You will recognize keys, body and screenshots from this amazing :) calculator! The screenshots includes: menu labels, message box, choose box, input forms, status area, fonts and stack.
Thanks to Eric Rechlin for his site WWW.HPCALC.ORG.
The face in Main visualization window and in Playlist visualization window is a part of an hp49 greyscale image. Joe Horn has created this image from FRIDAY by Michael Whelan, which is used as book cover for FRIDAY by Robert A. Heinlein.
The Winamp skin HP48 SKIN FOR WINAMP by Buchan Milne set me on making an hp49 skin.
The bitmap font in Main title display is about the same as the font Ft8_2:carre(6,8)pxl for hp49 by Jaime Fernando Meza Meza.
The Easter eggs in Main are inspired by the simple animation WALK from HP48SX USER GUIDE.
You may want to use the skin together with the HP49 WINAMP REMOTE CONTROLLER by Justin R Cutler. This is an hp49 program to control Winamp via a serial port.
All Winamp segments: Main, Equalizer, Playlist, Windowshades, Minibrowser, AVS, cursors (and MikroAMP) are included.
Version History
hpcalc_hp49g version 2.1
* Cursors with "hp49 look" are now implemented.
* Micro skin for MikroAMP plugin by Michael Jervis.
* Windowshade button in Main windowshade is changed.
* Letter R in the bitmap font in Main title display is changed.
* Main balance slider has an "Easter egg" when operated from Equalizer windowshade.
hpcalc_hp49g version 2.0
* All images are thoroughly improved.
hpcalc hp49 version 1.0
* All Winamp segments.
hp49 no version
* Rather simple.
February 2002
Arne Olav Storflor
______ hpcalc_hp49g v2.1 ___________
HP49G skin for Winamp by Arne Olav Storflor
Hewlett-Packard calculator HP49G
mailto: info-is@in-file
Winamp skin inspired by Hewlett-Packard calculator HP49G.
To design this Winamp skin I started with scanned images of my own handheld calculator and a big image from Hewlett-Packard.
You will recognize keys, body and screenshots from this amazing :) calculator! The screenshots includes: menu labels, message box, choose box, input forms, status area, fonts and stack.
Thanks to Eric Rechlin for his site WWW.HPCALC.ORG.
The face in Main visualization window and in Playlist visualization window is a part of an hp49 greyscale image. Joe Horn has created this image from FRIDAY by Michael Whelan, which is used as book cover for FRIDAY by Robert A. Heinlein.
The Winamp skin HP48 SKIN FOR WINAMP by Buchan Milne set me on making an hp49 skin.
The bitmap font in Main title display is about the same as the font Ft8_2:carre(6,8)pxl for hp49 by Jaime Fernando Meza Meza.
The Easter eggs in Main are inspired by the simple animation WALK from HP48SX USER GUIDE.
You may want to use the skin together with the HP49 WINAMP REMOTE CONTROLLER by Justin R Cutler. This is an hp49 program to control Winamp via a serial port.
All Winamp segments: Main, Equalizer, Playlist, Windowshades, Minibrowser, AVS, cursors (and MikroAMP) are included.
______ hpcalc_hp49g v2.1 ___________
HP49G skin for Winamp by Arne Olav Storflor
Hewlett-Packard calculator HP49G
mailto: info-is@in-file
ZyDy Amp v1.0 readme.txt
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This is my first release of winamp skin ---ZyDy Amp---.
I'm wondering to give the name of the skin...so that it....i just put it..hahahahahahaa
anybody can give a good idea in n ...
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| CircuitAMP 2.0 |
By Ahmed Arebi
This is a cool skin for winamp version 2.X it makes you abel to see what there is
ander the cover of the winamp.
This winamp skin also includes Pla ...
``````````````````````` Pioneer MPH7300R ``````````````````````````
I have released 3 pioneer skins, but this is the
only one that is actually based on a head-unit,
i hope this one will be a sucess unlike the others...
Winamp3 is out and taken ove ...