/ ___________________________
.. created by Steve Garner
.. info-is@in-file
"Interplanetary Communication" is a skin designed for WinAMP version 2.2 and newer. It features skins for the player, the equalizer, the playlist, and the minibrowser.
This is the second release of the skin and, to my knowledge, there are no bugs.
This skin is inspired by trance music and its derivatives. Trance has shown me things that I never thought possible. It accomplishes things that no other music has. It is amazing music, and if you have not heard it before, discover for yourself just how much beauty and energy can be contained in an audible form.
To make this skin work, unzip it DIRECTLY into your WinAMP/Skins directory.
also note:
***Also new to this version is a custom "interplanetary communication" HTML file that can be displayed in the minibrowser to better match the skin. It must be placed in your WinAMP directory. Take care not to overwrite your old minibrowser HTML file.***
A shot goes out to the WWW.GLOBALTRANCE.COM crew for being the first to distribute my skin. For trance realaudio, event listings, artist information, mixtapes, and news, visit their site.
Any questions/comments about the skin can be directed to info-is@in-file
If you liked the skin, check out my windows wallpaper also at WWW.GLOBALTRANCE.COM
Also, I'll soon have a shockwave site up and running. Look for WWW.ASTRALTRANCE.COM sometime in late Janruary 2000!
Finally, a special thanks to you all for downloading my skin!
Peace to you all,
Steve Garner
-------AlladvantAMP for winamp 2.X-------
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good but, It's a start. I made this skin to promote
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later). It is a basic skin with everything s ...
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Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 12/28/2002
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www20.brinkster.com/larriveejp
Comment: Thankyou for downloading
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aka -=[Error 126]=-
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copyright 2001 by C. Pitts
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
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