Ancolie9d, by ThP, juillet-aoыt 2000
ThP = Thierry Pottier
Available in red (Ancolie9d-rouge), orange (Ancolie9d-orange) and blue (Ancolie9d-bleu)
Try it windowshade!!!
This is just intended as a template for new skins. It
includes all of the skin features as of WinAMP 2.01.
The cursors included are designed to match Window's
standard set. If you want skin specifications, more
of my real skins, or something else ...
- + - R I V E T I N G
- + - By - Mike McKimm .. ( PeaceMaker )
- + - Version - 1.0
- + - Completed - Mid November - 2001
- + - For - WinAmp 2.xx
- + - About
| This skin is a p ...
By The Hifiman ! & The Hifigirl !
[In Bulgarian.....]
Този скин е 100% free !
Защото така ни харесва ! ;-Р
Linux rules !
Windows е боза !
Ама докато Бозата ни е по-лесна за работа, ша си праим скинчета за Windows-ки плеъри.
Thanx for downloading this version of Reactor console for winamp2+
the EQmain and playlist area has been re-designed to give it more depth,
there have been some changes in some of the buttons
and there is now a minibrowser and AVS with this package.
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both