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=== ========
Splash v1.0c
Esta es una "skin" para winamp 2.50+
Tendras que pagar U$ 35...nooo al contrario yo le pago al que la use...
Basada en la pantalla de inicio de Winamp (q' noticia!).
-- Harappa Skin ---
by TazThemes
This skin is based on the website Harappa.com, a media spigot to South Asia's past.
Once visited I decided to use the site's graphics
for a WinAmp skin. I was brought to this by the e-india skin.
The skin is c ...
+++ B r i t n e y A m p v1.0 for WinAmp by Victoria Masheva +++
Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of Victoria!
***Thank you for downloading this skin.
For best results use WinAmp 2.0 or higher.
Check www.winamp.c ...
Fish Bowl Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
Man was this ever a mistake LOL, this amp was one of those bright ideas,
that I should have left alone, anyhow once I started , just could'nt seem