Alternate WinAmp Skin by
Roman Kondratyev info-is@in-file
This is an alternate frontend for Nullsoft's WinAmp.
(visit and for more info).
Skin Master : Roman Kondratyev
Master's E-mail : i ...
TTAmp Winamp skin
This is my first self-made skin featuring the
Audi TT Coupe. Hope you like it !
Now with Playlist and Equalizer skins and
some other minor changes.
for comments contact me at:
e-mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ #17920529
for the o ...
Gohan Amp2
by:Larry Tennison
Again, a new skin of Gohan. a
friend of mine told me that my
skins were a little less than
adiquite in the graphics dept.
When I told him that I had the
programs to make them better,
I jus ...
Well here you have it folks! I call this skin PESSIMIST...
It took me like 3 weeks to make, and it's not even very detailed :(
but it's the first skin i've ever made for winamp, so i hope you like it.....enjoy
This Skin Was Created By: Daniel
Aim: S ...
Skin name: Lime Green Player
Date: 05.06.2003
Author: Caroline Johansson
Email: info-is@in-file
I made this skin for winamp 2.9x and features
* main
* equalizer
* playlist
* video
* minibrowser
* library
* avs ...