A r c h N o v a v 1 . 0
b y V E N D I C A T O R
Metal grey with LCD... kinda boring idea
but it went out pretty ok.
I really wanted the dotty display, even
though there were some trouble doing it.
WinAMP 2.2 support.
You may distribute this skin freely as
long as this text file is included.
Thanks Shoots out to: The Massinova Project: For inspiring me to make this skin, teknosys: For all his suggestions,
sin: for saying my skin is 'l337'.
Don't rip this, I'm not gonna ask nicely. You rip, you die. Period.
Email: info-is@in-file
icq: ...
Plastyk by StillWater
As with most Classic skins, this looks better with "skinned font" and "skinned cursors" turned ON in the winamp options. And if you use windowblinds, make sure you put winamp.exe in the Windowblinds exclusion list.
More of my ...
[FireBlade skin by -| FrezoreR |-]
Includes: All everything.. even 2.9x support.
All design is [c] FrezoreR.
And if you decide to use parts of my skin without asking for permission a minivan is shuved up your as.
Then screwed 480 degrees. =P
If ...
-WinampDotCom- by dlinkwit27
I made this skin as a tribute to the new winamp.com look.
Much thanks goes out to all the members of the skinlove forum and to Jellby
for his skinnersatlas. Without Them this skin would have never made it out of my hea ...
| StarAmp v1.2 256 for Winamp 2.02+ |
Who: Think (alias Cutmasta alias Chris B.)
How long: 15h (+/- 2h and 3 minutes)
When: 2nd of May, 1999
Where: Innsbruck, Au ...