Winamp v1.0
By James Ness
Hey! This is Nessy with my sixth commercially done skin!!
I hope you like it, I think it looks ace and I hope the people at Nullsoft think it rules too!
Version 1.4
Changed the design of the top bars on all windows to a flatter design plus overall improvements.
Version 1.2
After originally uploading it, the next day I found myself not liking it much so I made changes, especially to the mini brows ...
...: Studio Sunico Skin registration form :...
( Please answer questions required for registration and
send it to info-is@in-file )
Name: ______________________________________________________
Company: _ ...
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 3, the Dark RMX.
People with dark desktops found the original Ithaki3 colours far too bright, so
here's a dark version. Apart from the darker colour scheme it's identical to the
normal Ithaki3 skin. All windows and shades ...
Official Skin By
BAnAnA Here,
You Like My skin?
I Put A Lot Of Effort Into It...
Please Do Not Steal My Flippin Skin!
___ eIndia ___
by Stephen Moss
version 1.2: March 31, 2001
original release: March 15, 2000
This skin is a companion to the website
eIndia is based on the architecture distinctive to some of India's ...