24 December 2005
This is my first attempt in
skinning winamp, hope you like it ! :)
I made this skin in 3-4 days
The inspiration for this skin came
one day when i was watching at pictures
with zero fighters. I made this for A6M people,
Honda fanatics and other KAMIKAZE PEOPLE...
If enyone will ever modify or rip this, I'l rip his
head off !!!!!
If you have some suggestions or comments
or anything to say about the skin ,write me
at info-is@in-file
Skin By
Mr User
Bmp's done in PhotoShop
Icons done in IconForge
Warped thoughts provided by the voices in my head!!
**********/ XXXX ///XXXX ***********
*********/ XXXX // XXXX XX^^ **********
********/ XXXX ...
This is my first skin. I chose Power Rangers as it is one of my favourite games on SNES. Incidentally, Kimberly is my favourite player.
The pictures were taken from AREA 1 in normal mode and Ranger mode.
Buttons were modell ...
Centra CSS-102 1.04-3 skin for Winamp
Released August 4, 2001
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