I S W A Z I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: e i s h a !
-------------( a u t h o r n o t e s )-------------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
past midnight, 04.09.99 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sharon Amp DW
by Larry Tennison
This is the secound skin that I ever made, and is finally being
submitted for the first time. After the "Macross Skin", also available
on the officail Winam ...
* C H A M E L E O N Version 1.0 *
This skin is an authorized remix of Leonardo C. Alves' Oceano Player - Caribe,
made for the www.1001winampskins.com remix contest 20 ...
Break the machine MkII! People complained about the lack of minibrower, AVS, Mono/Stereo displayand other such oky-moloky. So now I've broken the rest of it too. Enjoy. info-is@in-file ...
This skin is a copyright of Kawaii Hitsuji. Please do not claim
credit or ownership for this skin, as well as publish for any business
purposes. This skin is free for all to enjoy and I hope everyone respects
the Copyright Laws. If you would like to up ...