September 4, 2000
Sano is one of my favorite characters in Hanazakari no Kimitachi E,
a great manga series by Hisaya Nakajo. This is one of my favorte pictures of him!
the skin is named after the line of text on his shirt. Isn't he adorable?
Please ask me for permission before posting this skin on any websites! Thank you!
*** readme.txt for SURRENDERamp ***
Developed by: PHG
As you (might have) noticed this skin is made from the
cover of Chemical Brother's newest CD "Surrender".
All the colours used are taken from the CD-cover.
I know some of the f ...
Enfin fini!!!!! Voilà le skin made in house de "SEVEN" alors que les serial-killers se régalent.
Pour toutes infos contacter moi info-is@in-file (COUVREUX Alexandre - FRANCE). ...
This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my homepage!
My email: info-is@in-file
P.S.: I'm NOT the author of this skin!!!
Thank you for reading,
D ...
Evanescence - The Dark Epic |
By Andi Yanto Halim |
info-is@in-file |
I just add animated cursors in this update
No change on the skin ...
MP3 Links ###### Version 2 ####### ################
How to install a skin in Winamp ?
Download a skin, usually a .zip fil ...