I love WISH! Here's that crafty black-winged menace from Wish again :) He's just
chillin in the tree looking all innocent, but I just know he will turn SD soon and
chase Kouhaku around :)
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file | www.ampburner.com)
This is my skin "SummerBreeze" and it is my entry
to the Nullsoft 2001 summer skin contest. Elements ...
CeleR0n v.1
Joe Flores
Well, after over a year without skinning Wa2 (i was interested in Wa3 until it pissed me off cuz its slow) I made CeleR0n.
I skinned everything for Wa2.9x and I did the cursors too! All of my previous skins ...
~mina amp~
i made this using neopaint.
it's a nifty little paint program.
you should check it out.
so this is my first attempt at a skin.
i know it won't win any prizes, but it's
sorta cool anyway.
be sure to look for mine and hwang's
Released 3 Sept 00 (in my B'days)
* Bandung Indonesia *
I created this skin because i really like that's car
New Beetle is a wonderful car.
I truly hope you enjoy this skin.
author : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah