Creator: Forever Chaos
Email: info-is@in-file
Skin Name: ImPuLsE
Created: 08/01
Dedication: For MrsBladez
Notes: One of Six spectral skins.
Updated: 09/01 - Mikro/Mbinner
Winamp Version: 2.x
Paint Program: Paint Shop Pro 7.0
Cursors: Microangelo
HTML Editor: Notepad
*All facets of Winamp v2.x completed in this skin.
These skins are created for my viewing pleasure only. If you download and like what you see, I would appreciate your feedback. I can be emailed at the above address. If you would like a response, please specify.
My winamp skins are created from scratch. If you believe my skin is a rip, be prepared to prove it. I keep all Template files and layers saved to my hard drive for future updates.
Winamp is now Freeware *yay!!!* and can be downloaded at
Mp3 files are for evaluation purposes and are to be deleted within 24 hours of downloading. Else it is considered "theft".
Please don't steal my skin and put your name on it. If you'd like pointers on how to make winamp skins, please ask. I put a lot of work into my skins and would hate to have them stolen from me.
Thank you
Skin created by ~ Forever ~
Visit My Web Site
~ Forever Loves Chaos ~
Newcastle Winamp skin
created by
Bhaskaran Revi
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y bus ...
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To all of you thanks for using my skin.
If you have any comment, please e-mail me.
info-is@in-file ...
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Feel free to hit me wi ...