No Limits Winamp Skin created by Ryvon
This skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or change this skin, but please do not try to take credit for the original design.
info- ...
by L.Larsson 10/01/04
ALL New for WinAMP 5!
Alien_Flesh Skin by 337...
works best with WinAmp 5
All windows are skinned.
New Equalizer Graphics
Cool Device! w/Updated analyzer.
******************** ...
The Dreaming is a band comprised of Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward), Johnny Haro (Stabbing Westward, Ecoline Crush, Star 69), Diego Russo (Beautiful Losers, 40 Dogs), Jonathan Dyke (Blue Girl, Snake Oil).
Their ...
~~~~~~~~ MP3 MOBILE 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
My tenth skin, and my first for 2002!
This skin was inspired by all those portable
MP3 palyers...
Didn't use too many colors, so that it looked
more realistic.This skin also uses tranparentcy
~~~ ...