..::] shapely v.3 [::..
place the zip-file in dir
or extract the file to dir.
..::] what is skinn'd [::..
* main
* equalizer
* playlist
* minibrowser
* avs
* albumlist
* avs preset
* all windows shaded
..::] whats new [::..
close ...
---------- Millennium ----------
Releaseversion: 2.1
Creator: Riccardo Mosca
Date: 16/4/2000
Contact: info-is@in-file
What's different from v2.0?
A small error in Equalizer and new menu for Playlist
What's different from v1.0?
Bug fixed, tri ...
O............:|the Futurism|:............O
O--------------:|SKIN INFO|:--------------O
O Author: V3NOM aka Antti Vuorinen O
O E-MAIL: info-is@in-file O
O Skin: the Futurism ...
read me text
Hi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skin
by amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)
well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9
best when viewing winamp in a tower position locked to one side of your monitor or the other
and draggi ...
Bluemetal 2.0
made by: Petepan
e-mail: info-is@in-file
nr. III
this is what happends when you'r bored out and happends to start photoshop....... ...