This skin was copied in a lower resolution inorder to meet regulations at 1001Winamps Skins.
This skin was designed with the help of web designer "France".
Included with this skin is the font "Rage Italic".
Created By Pablo Almonacid from Argentina
all rights reserved.....
This skin is was created by Pablo Almonacid info-is@in-file
Date: 25 May, 2003 ...
ReadMe!.txt -- Ace for WinAmp 2.x
I was already working on this one before I began at the Perfect Circle Design skin.
So, after a time of hard labor, it's finished.
I tried the same kinda design like my older sk ...
SimZ 1.1
After being a big fan of winamp right from the start, i had alwasys wondered how winamp
skins were made. After seeing an article on winamp skins and how it was made, i dicided
try and make one of my own. My inspration to make one came fr ...
LogAmp1.2 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
Added mikroamp.
LogAmp1.1 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
LogAmp1.0 for 2.9x
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpos ...
>>>Skin Info:Kaolla:<
(as mentioned above), but that was a necessity to honour her greatness.
.The best part of the skin (in my opinion) is the winshade EQ. The worst
world have to be the winshade Main Window, but I can't be bothered ...