thermophobiac version 2
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
info-is@in-file ...
This is just intended as a template for new skins. It
includes all of the skin features as of WinAMP 2.01.
The cursors included are designed to match Window's
standard set. If you want skin specifications, more
of my real skins, or something else ...
Polaramp 1.0
by Endre aka trigger
(First release: Polar Party 14)
October 2005
Dette er første gangen jeg lager winamp-skin.
Jeg har br ...
Angel Sanctuary! Once again I succumb to the temptation of makig more
Angel Sanctuary skins! I can't help it, the artwork is so awesome!
info-is@in-file ...
by Stephen Moss
version 2.0a: March 31, 2001
original release: June 6, 1999
"Steel This Amp" was inspired by my father's old AKAI tape deck.
I hope you dig it!
COPY ...
I just thought I should tell you all who use my skin that if you take
away the Region.txt file you can see the parts that I've made
transparent and if you wonders about anything you can mail me on
and I'll try to response to you as quick as