Version 1 21 Jan 2005
Created by Jim Stenzel
e-mail: info-is@in-file
(c) 2005
Skinned components include :
Main, EQ, Playlist, Minibrowser,
Library, and Video windows.
Also includes animated cursors -
you're welcome to extract them from
the Zip file and use them in Windows.
You're also welcome to post it anywhere
on the web as long as you give me credit
and don't modify it.
The zip contains 4 files for the BJR Labs
Stereo Analog VU Meter plugin. Copy window.bmp,
panel_night.bmp, panel_day.bmp, and vu_skin.ini,
to a new folder in the /winamp/plugins/vu_meter/skins
Created with Corel PhotoPaint 7, MicroAngelo 5.0,
Winzip, Skinner's Atlas by Jellby, and
Celestial Seasonings Earl Grey Tea.
"The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries."
- College Kid #3, Super Troopers
"No offense, Clark, but I don't think
you could outrun my Porsche."
- Lex Luthor, Smallville
--={Dark Angel Amp unMAXIMed}=--
v 1.0
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website : http://reciprocal.cjb.net
ICQ # : 110731686
Date : 05/24/01
--={ Comments }=--
This is really my original Dark Angel Amp wit ...
Skin for Winamp 2,7
Drawed end Created by
Darren Kiwy
this is only my second skin, but I have a lot of progect!!
Is created whit paint and a lot of patience.
/ ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
** S-AMP 1.0 **
This is my
first skin. I
know it's not
as good as
those other ones
out there, but
I think it was
worthwhile to
try to make a
skin of my own
instead of editing
someone elses
all the time.
There are two
ways to config ...
****COLD FUSION 2.5****
designed by:
Richie Jackson > COLD FUSION 2.50
-- I'm back. I finally made a skin for the minibrowser
and for the EQ in winshade ...
Fever Amp:
Inspired by the vibration of Kylie...
Tried to give a feeling of High-Tension Power, smoking under a surface of restraint, just waiting to shake your soul with some good loving!
This skin was made to be my regular skin, so sorry if you ...