---[ XpecT ]---
by Zlatko Kreso
Development Time: 1 week (On and off)
Skinned: All windows, yes, even minibrowser
I bet you didn't Xpect this? :P
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Website: http://plastik.pillboxed.com ...
Pluemetal II
by petepan.
it's a sequal to my 2:nd skin bluemetal. doesnt have much incomon, byt who cares... anyway, hope u like it
Duration: about 4 months (my computor has been on service for a month or so)
Programs used: Photoshop 6
read me text
Hi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skin
by amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)
well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9
best when viewing winamp in a tower position locked to one side of your monitor or the other
and draggi ...
*** Thanks for downloading my Winamp skin ***
November 8, 2001
Author: Seijyuro Hiko
Email: info-is@in-file
Title: Yuna_FFX
This is my first attempt in creating a skin for
Winamp. So I guess there might be bugs that I
did not notic ...
[parasitic decoy]
:creator: neural
:created under: version 2.80
:windows skinned: every single last on of 'em
omg, its a light winamp skin by neural. the end of the world is a'comin! if its too bright for you, then, um, get out more and stare ...
COWBOY BEBOP winamp skin
skin by LuigiHann
Openning text found at www.jazzmess.com
Art captured from DVD
Once upon a time, in New York City in 1941... at this club open to all comers to play, night after night, at a club name ...