... Project Green Day ...
== designer: ==
D3n aka Jackson t. Perfect
== notes: ==
this skin may be distributed freely in whatever
forms as is. Alterations such as changing, altering or
removing images, text documents etc. included in the
.ws ...
Cup of tea
Large size
by Verónica Mogni
August 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Part of pack Cup of tea containing:
Large size
Medium size #1
Medium size #2
Small size
Extra small size
Skin Made By No_Velocity
E-Mail Adress: info-is@in-file
Description Of Skin: A skin with a very woody look. Update of the previous version, now it comes with minibrowser and is customized for winamp 2.23
Release Version: 2.3
Homepage: www.happ ...
Hi, this is my first skin. It's not very nice, but it's my first one. Why Xpectation?
Because I've Xpected from that something new. Maybe you don't like it - 'cause
it's really - REALLY quite ugly. But I belive the next one (Tractor) will be better.
_|Grid Amp v.01|_
This is the first version of my Grid Amp
You can e-mail me on i ...
---------------------Spiderman 1.8---------------------
I have now updated the playlist editor
I hope you like the changes 6:11 PM 8/13/2005
This skin can only be published on sites with my
permission and must give full recognition to Me!
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