Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon
Have fun and enjoy as much as I enjoy skinning it.
"Keenwood KDC-2019 + x459 eXcelon" for winamp is based from pic ...
This skin was originally intended to be finished by mid October...but with moving across 3 states, having to find a new job, and getting things situated it got pushed back substantially. Now...I think it's done.
-Edward Sadler
info-is@in-file ...
Woah, his eyes are open! How.. odd :) Here is one of my favorite
characters from Slayers Next and Slayers Try. It's Xellos/Zeros!
I am really not sure how you should spell his name I see it
written both ways. At any rate, this mysterious guy is prett ...