Munak *bounce bounce*
by: hoshinotamago
created on: 2004 02.04.
Wow... my first Ragnarok Online skin! XD It features one of the monsters called "Munak" and the pic I used is originally drawn by my friend Kyoko-chan ( Since her drawing is so amazing for me and there are only few RO skins out there I got the idea to create this skin. And it turned out quiet good I think. X3 Oh and even the title of the skin is taken from her original drawing. If you dont know what Ragnarok Online is... it is an online RPG with cute anime style characters to play (visit or for more details).
Ok, lets come to the details of the skin itself... I made it to get some areas transparent! It was my first try and understanding how this works is not the easiest thing... but I got it somehow. I also skinned the video and library windows for the first time. (planned this for another skin already but that one is still in progress... ).
Volume, balance, shuffle and repeat buttons are made invisible again. (sorry... but they would be very disturbing because they would cover parts of the cute Munak ¬_¬). Used fonts are vertigirl, japan and juliet.
ah...and please if you want to post this skin on your page please ask me first!
~ hoshinotamago ~
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1. Dedications
2. Installations
3. Comments and Ideas
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close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...