Final Fantasy X Winamp Skin
Based upon the design of the official US Final Fantasy X website & logo.
It's a little bit blue, maybe I'll add in some pink/purple like the website in version 2!
This skin was created in May 2002 by Sarah Ellerton
P ...
Skin Information
Name: Scratching Post
Version: 1.1
Description: Based on Scratching Post's album cover
for This Time It's Personal.
Completed: October 15th, 2001
Updated: November 15th ...
Rocky Gio presents:
RG MobyAmp
release date: 31/08/2000
version: 1.0
Hi there all you moby fans!
this is my tribute to MOBY.
the 'little idiot' drawing
(man, dog, alien girl) is
by moby itself. I adapted it
for th ...
Gecky's Winamp Skin... (c) Judy Schmidt 2000
Comment: I thought I'd try to make a Winamp skin when I heard someone else talking about one. This is my first skin, and I tried to make it unique and creative. It took a lot longer than I thought it would.. ...