Winamp Skin Properties:
Title: Blue-13
Author: :RHINO:
Version: 1.3
Winamp version: v2.77
Software used:
MS Paint
Thanks for using
this skin. Have fun
and listen to a lot
of great music. Once
again, thanks! :RHINO:
=============-Mess 2 - Funky dirt
made by faldesign.
This is a complete remake (or whatever it's called) of my skin "mESS". Exists in two versions, retro dirt and Funky dirt. This is FUnky dirt. The moment I fi ...
p r o j e c t o r a m p v 1 . 0
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Sianide AMP v.1.0
Hello, and welcome to my humble Readme..
Anyway.. this is my Second skin... I got ...