wersja 1.0 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Ma³anka Krzysztof *
"Winamp XP"
Historia Wersji:
Winamp XP to ca³kowicie nowa skórka. U¿ytkownicy W ...
"( Knuckle-Duster )"
I got my inspiration from Fli7e's
Comely Amp.
I think it came out pretty nice?
listen to hagmans_demo.mp3
(a relly great short song)
________________________________________ ...
When stsrting this skin I set out to make Winamp look s simple as possible.
I have used only two colours in most of it (three if you include the selected background).
Although stark and simplistic I thnk it looks good.
~~~~~~~~ CLASSICAMP 2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
This version of classic amp differs alot from
version1, this is because more sharp edges are
shown which resembles, those very old
amplifiers. This amp is the BOMB!!
WHY D ...
Luinil v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
June 2004
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned AVS for old Winamp.
Skinned MikroAmp.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned cursors.
DO ...
Fruitotype - first and last version 1.0
No, I'm not colorblind. This was created quite by accident and I just had to finish it. I'm just throwing it out there to see what kind of response I'll get. If you'd like to rip this skin, feel free to do so. ...
Strong Bad          LuigiHann
by LuigiHann
Based on the Compy 386 era of the Strong Bad E ...
Black Flame - Now ready for anything
The first skin without using MS Paint! (used GIMP)
Included are Amarok, Mikro, and VidAmp skins.
Winamp 2.9x compliant. Thanks to Jellby and
¤db¤ for the Skinner Atl ...