Skin Name = CFv9 (aka Cold Fused)
Skin Verison = 7.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett (aka "Garet Jax")
Author Email = info-is@in-file
Special Features:
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equal ...
***** 3 Spirit Skin *****
So, I've done this too. What's next? If you expect from an interface to let you see all the buttons and sliders, without becoming ridiculous, you won't be dissapointed with this s""t. For those who have the same visual tast ...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrects
Thank you for your download!
I used very long time to make this skin,and think
it's better than my other ones.
I read ...
ZX Spectrum Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
An Amp dedicated to the biggest selling home computer of the 80's the ZX Spectrum, or TS2068 for our American friends.The 48k Spectrum was the firs ...
Leeloo Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an artist. I have no
artistic skills or imagination other than that I like to play
around with colors and images. If you think my s ...