Jeri Ryan - Heartbreaker
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
March 2003 upgraded to WA2.9 specification.
Yeah yeah yeah I know, yet another Jeri skin :)
Can't resist doing them 'ya know :)
Any ...
Final Fantasy X Winamp Skin
Based upon the design of the official US Final Fantasy X website & logo.
It's a little bit blue, maybe I'll add in some pink/purple like the website in version 2!
This skin was created in May 2002 by Sarah Ellerton
P ...
Classic Brick: This skin was taken from the Colour-It-In skin and changed to suit my desktop colours, plus the Gen.bmp, Genex.bmp and Video.bmp sections were added also...
TenPlus1 ...
blankaudio Winamp Skin
Copyleft Apfrod Works 2001-2005 Some Rights Reserved
::Hugi Official Skin (rmx)::
--=by SacRat=--
Hugi Official Skin was designed in order to promote international Hugi diskmag. Hugi is a diskmag (magazine, distributed as an application file, which contains text, graphics and music), ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
Thank you for downloading the Hong Kong Phooey
Winamp skin, brought to you by..
Neil Harvey
Legal stuff....
Hong Kong Phooey (1974) Hanna-Barbara Productions
----------------- ...
"special set"
skin for WinAMP 2.9x
version 1.00
--> skin made by
I)estym / sergey danushin
summer-autumn 2003
--> the skin is designed for WinAMP 2.91. It should work properly with other 2x versions, up to WinAMP 2.95
--> features
1. skinne ...