Part of the Jazz Masters series
by Collin C.
Thelonious Monk, awesome free jazz pianist. Not only would he play jazz for you, but also put on a dance show. In the middle of a song or a solo he's leave his piano bench and do a jig. ...
first of all I want to thakn you all for downloading my skin...
this skin's themes is combination between blue, gray, and black
I made this skin very carefully and
I like this skin very much
And I hope you enjoy it...
info-is@i ...
"Maximum Velocity"
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file |
This is my latest skin called 'Maximum Velocity"
or "V-Max". I would personally describe it as
're ...
Red Skin. By heavyoak
Cool cursors huh.
If you want a copy of them make a copy of this skin and open it as a .zip.
Change the .cur to .ani for them to be animated.
If you want more cursors , or info on how to make a skin, E-Mail me at info-is@in-file ...