Alert v1.0 by Susanne Hellesfjord
This is a skin for WinAmp 2.0 and higher.
Comments? Suggestions? E-mail: info-is@in-file
Februa ...
~~~~~~~~ MP3 MOBILE 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~
My tenth skin, and my first for 2002!
This skin was inspired by all those portable
MP3 palyers...
Didn't use too many colors, so that it looked
more realistic.This skin also uses tranparentcy
~~~ ...
SpawnAmp. version 1.1
Designed by Justin K
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Alright, peeps. Hope ya like SpawnAmp. It's my first. It took a few
days of playin' with it to make it look as good ...
Bluemetal 2.0
made by: Petepan
e-mail: info-is@in-file
nr. III
this is what happends when you'r bored out and happends to start photoshop....... ...