Sleek skin for Winamp - v1.0
By Jeremy Morton
Sleek skin is a skin for Winamp 2.91 or lower (Winamp classic), a music player which can be found at To install it, simply open the .wsz file the skin came in.
I've trie ...
Triple j amp blue version 1.0
wow it is blue!.
this one is far more sleek and easier one the
eyes. i like it, the buttons are mostly
text but thats good cause they look nice
and fit in. uh.. yeah so gimme feedback kids.
- Steelie
icq = 8 ...
Regionist v1 by Özgür YÜCEL®, All rights reserved.
Release date:21.04.2002
Regionist, Winamp 2.xx skin, with animated cursors and transparencies.
Feel free to distribute it.
Have fun!
For using any part of it,contact me :
info-is@in-file ...
Eclipsed - 2002 Dimichan
Coverart from Emperor's "In the Nightside Eclipse" edited and incorporated into the background.
Created with Photoshop 7, cursors created in microangelo
Time to create - approximately 35-40 ...
SCUAIR cc (a SCUAIR mo colorscheme)
WA 2.91 skin - by bunji
The eq-sliders and playlist-scroller were reworked for this version.
SCUAIR cc is my attempt on the metal-skin franchise. Hope you dig it! I put about 40 hours of work into this ...