wenn du meinen 9 Skin denn ich jetzt schon gemacht habe gut findest dann schreib
Weitere Skins werden folgen
dieser Skin wurde am 24.09.2000 fertig erstellt ...
AriX Ilimitado ®
Autor: Leandro Cortese
Fecha: 23/10/03
Lugar: Castelar, Bs. As. Argentina
Programas utilizados: Macromedia Fireworks MX y Corel Photo-Paint 8.0
Contacto: info-is@in-file ICQ: 107923557
Hola! espero que les guste el skin, ...
This skin was created by solace [Justin Hopper].
Finished: October 25th, 2002
Offical Artex Submittion. [www.artexgen.com]
For more colors or other skins, visit www.thedrool.com. ...
>=>GSA Terminator 3 Rise Of the Machines Skin Kazakhstan
For:Winamp2 -2.9
GSA Graphics Team:
Designed by: Saken Joldasov
It's not just rise of the Machine ...
July 2005
Made in 2 days after seeing that the first version was not up to par,
I decided to make it cleaner and prettier to look at.
The design is simple, but hey it works!
Most of the art here is dire ...