o What has the skin bin thru?
Some hardcore plastic-surgery added some new body-parts named Browser 'n AVS. It realy takes your breath away, though the AVS was just done as a fasten your seatbelts kinda thing.
Some flat makeover in t ...
mire web-designs production 2002
Hitec by Lotec
includes skins for:
AVS window
Made in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Skin master: Miralem Halilovic
Skin master mail: info-is@in-file
Com ...
Z I Y A M P P r o j e c t 2 0 0 0 (Date: 1/31/00)
HI dudes and gals!
That's my fiiiirrrrrrrrssssst SKIN!!! Yep! The first Mauritian
who developed a skin for Winamp 2.5e. If eve ...