Flying Circle 2000 [World Edition]
Created by masa.N
URL for Japanese:
MAILTO: info-is@in-file
Wi ...
Octovo - created by Jim Boynton
(c)copyright 2002, James L. Boynton
Free to be used with Winamp
This skin was created to look like the new
Winamp 3 skins. I like both Winamp 2 and 3, but
my computer has issues with XP so I use Winamp 2.
This ...
Cathedral Winamp Skin
by John Theodorski
November 2000
A beautiful skin reflecting the architecture of a Gothic Cathedral. This skin has actually spent quite an extended period of time in my R&D department while I cranked ...
- The name of the skin
PSV Eindhoven
- Release version of the skin
- A short description of the skin:
Eindhoven de gekste, en Nilis moet blijven, PSV skin for all the fans.
- The category that best fits my skin:
- My name (or alias ...