INFLATABLE by blackdog
This is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKIN
SOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs windows and
custom animated cursors.
Useless info:
this is my third skin. its called ...
Frankly, I don't know what to say about this version, everything, I repeat, EVERYTHING has changed, there is probably not a trace of stupid skinner left and this version is finished after hours of looking at a zoomed bmp :D.
Spec ...
Zima - StillWater
(English below)
Wersja 1.2
Ta skórka byla zrobiona na "zimowy" konkurs skórkowy zorganizowany przez J Burnaway w forum "Skin-Love":
Nigdy nie uzywam guzika "Open/Eject", ...