"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of what I created, its a nifty little skin that anyone and everyone will enjoy. I guarantee it! :)
Copyright İ 2002 blueslaad Productions
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal bits of other peoples hard work - It's a lot more satisfying I promise you.
This skin is İ2000 info-is@in-file and all rights are reserved.
You may distribute this skin freely to anyone in any manner, provided that you do not alter it in any way and that you include all original files.
Melissa Amp
Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 01/16/2003
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www31.brinkster.
Comment: Thankyou for downloading
my skin. This is my sixth
one, des ...
Zero G [updated Jan. 2002]
Anhelus Skin
c. 2001
Jesus! I forgot to define the region for the Eq Windowshade and it's only now that someone noticed! Well, fixed it.
thanks to dragonmage.
Check out my other skins too:
SatoriNega ...
Tokyo Nights
(X) Sumeragi Subaru & Shirou Kamui
by Elwen Skye
- the font is AllureScript
- select "accent text" is in BM Mini
- balance is hidden, as usual
- equalizer an ...
cool_blue - amp.zip made by R0ckb0Y
I spent a lot of time to finish this skin
but I am quite satisfied with this skin
hope U like it
info-is@in-file ...
*** Outback ***
version 1.0
Winamp 2.x skin
By Drewski
This is my first skin, I hope you like it. Suggestion: Try stacking the
three windowshades. They go together ni ...
K'Nex Amp
For/Para Winamp 2.x 3.x And 5.x
By/Por: El*ArGeNtO
What can I say about this skin? As a child I used to love this toys (and i still love it) I started this skin a ...