C O N N E C T - X
C O N N E C T - X
The new simplistic skin from skinme!
If you want to talk to me about this skin
you should find me in the SHARE YOUR SKIN
LOVE forum at Winamp:
The Mister DO amp comes with a specially made Mister DO font!
Be in awe of the retro 80's style!
To install the Mister Do! font (dorun.fon)
Windows 3.1
Go to the control panel. Now go to fonts. You w ...
This is my third skin and I think it looks very good. I think you'll like it eigher.
To tell the truth I grabbed it from Windows Media Player 7.0 skin but I must say that it was a very hard work because Winamp is more different that Media Player and I th ...
ok I finally did it,I made a skin to complement my transfomers amp,
I hope you like it,the skin was made using micrografx picture
publisher 10.7:55 PM 9/8/2005
Thi ...
Tigers Amp
Mattias Karlsson
I start with excuse my english, its not that good.. If you speak swedish the document
has two part. one english and one swedish.
Just unzip Tigers.zip into your winampskins d ...
GILT amp - version 1.1 a
arpanoïd (c) France
design : KERGUEN Sébastien
april 26th, 2001
Skin for winamp 2.5 and above.
This winamp skin is based upon an idea i
had while ...