Neese II - Lodoss War
Uno de mis dibujos preferidos del libro de ilustraciones de Lodoss llamado ANAM. ¡Larga vida a Izubuchi Yutaka!
Autor: Mycen, el Dragón Dorado de Lodoss
Correo electrónico: info-is@in-file
Historial de versiones:
versión 1.2 (02/03/2004)
-Cambiado el color de fondo del analizador de espectro/osciloscopio
-Añadido borde al título de la canción, bitrate y KHz
-Mejorada la barra de progreso. Ahora no queda mal cuando tapa la imagen.
-Añadidas unas pequeñas marcas para saber cuál es el valor central de los controles de ecualización
-Cambiado el color de fondo del playlist y de otras ventanas
versión 1.1 (27/11/2003)
-Colores en la ventana de library aparecen ahora correctamente en Winamp 5.xx
-Corregido el "volbal.cur" (estaba mal el nombre del fichero)...
versión 1.0 (25/11/2003)
One of my favourite pictures of the ANAM artbook. Long life to Izubuchi Yutaka!
Author: Mycen, the Golden Dragon of Lodoss
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Version History:
version 1.2 (02/03/2004)
-Background colour for spectrum analizer/oscilliscope has changed
-Added border to song's title, bitrate and KHz
-Improved progress bar. Now, when reaches drawing's zone, looks better (older version looked awful...)
-Added marks to equalizer's controls. Now, you can know if they're centered or not
-Background colour has changed in playlist and others windows
version 1.1 (27/11/2003)
-Fixed colours in library for Winamp 5.xx
-Fixed "volbal.cur" (file name was wrong...)
version 1.0 (25/11/2003)
This skin uses images from assorted 14C and 15C Florentine manuscripts I tried to pick ones, mainly of famous Florentine structures which worked well together.
Hope you enjoy it. ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
---XARIUS 15---
Version 1.1
Creator:Kamil Kozlowski ALIAS Coyote
Once again I'm back with update
(but don't swet, right now I don't have
ideas and time for skinning:(((
Sorry but as soon as I start skinning
my next craetion I'll let you know!
runes greenish-grey ver1.0.0
hy! I'm epsilon, some kid from Romania with nothing to
do this summer that's why I decided to make this skin.
I used mostly Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 (tm) and MS Pain(t)
This is only my second skin to be released to the ...
--[ Round AMP ]--
(for Winamp 2.x)
This is my 2nd Winamp skin,
--[ distribute freely, but please don't modify the images. thanks ]--
Made by:Peng
E-mail:info-is@in-file ...
Aqua X Winamp Skin V1.1
by Freddy Leitner / Digital Dreamer []
In 2000, just after Apple presented their Aqua GUI for their upcoming
MacOS X, I dec ...
Babanamp ReScreen Red Edition - by E.C. Brummel
version 1.0 - 11-02-2003
Thanks for downloading and trying my fifth Winamp skin.
The full skin was created with Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
This skin is based on my second winamp skin called Babanamp.
I've ...